Connect Nursery is available for the entire service and cares for infants through two years old. During Connect Tots the three, four, and five year olds will have a short Bible lesson, play time, and snack. Connect Kids is for kids from 1st through 3rd grades to have teaching on their level. Connect Tots and Kids start at the beginning of the sermon and lasts to the end of the service.

The focus of our program is to teach children the Gospel in a way that reaches kids on their level while maintaining the integrity of God’s Word. Our Connect Kids volunteers teach creative and fun lessons using a curriculum focused on helping kids learn and understand attributes of God. 

All of our children's volunteers are asked to complete a background check, and we check children in and out each Sunday! We strongly value the safety and security of every adult and child who comes to our church. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email our Connect Kids coordinator:

Hannah Keller (919-353-0620)

To learn about our Abide student ministry, click here!


Our Connect Kids are currently going through The New City Catechism. Our goal in structuring the kids' ministry curriculum in this way is to help children have a firm foundation in their love and knowledge of who God is and what we believe so as they get older, they will be better able to know and trust Him through the lessons and storms of life. We are honored to help guide kids to this understanding on Sunday mornings, but we know the primary education and formation of a biblical worldview happens at home! Please click here to access resources that outline our lessons so that you can reinforce them at home throughout the week. Also make use of RightNow Media which has an abundance of kids' programs that help them learn truths about God, His Word, and our world in a fun, engaging way! 

If you have questions about other ways to help your children grow in their faith and understanding of God and the Bible, contact our Associate Pastor, Craig Spivey, and he will be happy to sit down with you and share ways to help and encourage you and your family!


  • Teach the Gospel in a clear, interesting way
  • Reach children on their level of understanding
  • Make learning enjoyable and exciting for everyone
  • Bring fun and creativity into each lesson