Teaching from Scripture

We believe that practical, relevant teaching is the catalyst for transformation. Scripture is inspired by God, completely accurate, and our authority regarding Christian beliefs and the guide for Christian living. We value Scripture—the Bible—as the basis for understanding who God is and how to orient our lives fully around Him. You can expect that each Sunday morning will include a set-aside time for hearing from Scripture, as well as practical teaching surrounding God's Word.

At Connect Church we take an expositional approach to teaching, which means we teach through a book of the Bible verse by verse. Because the Bible is the Living Word of God, relevant to all people, we find truth that is applicable to all aspects of our lives today as we look at each verse in context. If you listen to our sermons or visit us for any length of time, you will find this verse-by-verse approach to be a wonderful way to dig deep into individual books of the Bible and find encouragement and conviction that will foster spiritual growth.  

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