
Romans 10 provides us with this beautiful truth and picture of grace and mercy - in that anyone who confesses with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believes in their heart that God raised him (thus providing atonement for sin); they will be saved. But immediately following this we get this weighty reminder in verses 14 and 15: 

"How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

Keeping with this teaching, Connect strives to give as generously as we can to those seeking to preach the good news to the ends of the earth and those actively caring for those in our community. Currently Connect Church gives 18.5% of our total incoming funds to support various missions. We have divided the funds between local, state, and international missions organizations. Click on each name listed below to learn more about these organizations.

Local and international missions

Local Missions:

We give 5% divided equally between Christians United Outreach Center of Lee County, Reach Out Pregnancy Center, and Bread of Life in Sanford, NC.

National Missions:

We give 4.5% divided equally between Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters, The Gates Family with Family Life, and The Haas Family with

Village Missions.

International Missions:

We give 2% to Tommy and Konni Logan, a missionary family serving in Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe Bible Translators.

We give 2% to The Berries, missionaries in Africa.

Special Partnership with International Partnerships in Ukraine:

We also give 5% to International Partnerships in Ukraine. We have a unique relationship with the nation of Ukraine through both members from Ukraine and those who have gone on mission trips to Ukraine. We have an increased focus on International Partnerships not only because of our close personal ties, but also because of the ongoing current events and unrest in their country. Now more than ever, there are countless opportunities for the Gospel to spread throughout Ukraine, and Connect Church desires to support these efforts through our relationship with International Partnerships.